ONCODIR at Athens Digital Health Week 2025 (ADHW2025)
Athens Digital Health Week 2025 featured a diverse range of activities covering various aspects of digital health in Europe and beyond, establishing it as a prominent networking platform for digital health innovators. e-Health governance bodies and several European projects came together to share outcomes, interconnect, and discuss further steps for adopting and implementing digital technologies in healthcare across Europe.Fighting Cancer by creating synergies in Europe.
Fighting Cancer by creating synergies in Europe
Receiving a timely cancer diagnosis and surviving the disease differs considerably across European countries due to inequalities in prevention, but also access to state-of-the-art diagnostics, treatments, and care. Cancer related funded joint actions (JA) aim at homogenising the landscape across EU and shaping policies that will promote improved cancer care and outcomes. In this session, we bring together various EU-wide joint actions, as well as different research projects using emerging technologies in the fight against cancer.
Moderator: Antonis Billis, AUTH
Welcome Addresses
▪ Vasilis Koutsiouris, Office Director of General Secretariat of Strategic Planning, Greek Ministry of Health
▪ Dimitris Tsalikakis, Director of the 3rd Regional Health Authority, Greece
▪ Christos N. Schizas, Professor of Artificial Intelligence, NeHA, Cyprus
Joint Actions related to cancer
▪ The eCAN joint action: results and education capacity – Stergiani Spyrou, 3rd Regional Health Authority
Greece & Despoina Mantziari, AUTH
▪ eCAN joint action telehealth applications – Efthyvoulos Kyriacou, Cyprus University of Technology
▪ Cancer Inequalities Registry: the ORION Joint Action – Dimitris Tsikerdis, IDIKA S.A.
▪ Reducing Europe’s cancer and NCD burden through coordinated strategies on health determinants: the
JAPreventNCD joint action – Maria Davis, IDIKA S.A.
Research Projects related to cancer
▪ Creating robust and trustworthy multimodal AI for urologic cancers: the COMFORT project – Antonis Billis,
▪ Evidence-based Participatory Decision Making for colorectal cancer prevention: the ONCODIR project –
Athanasios Mavropoulos, CERTH